“Masterful maneuvers: The impressive RC turbine flanker Su-27 in action!”

Technical highlights of the RC Jet Turbine Scale Model Su-27 Flanker explained in the video

**RCHeliJet** released an impressive video on December 23, 2024 that will delight fans of model airplanes. The focus is on the **RC Jet Turbine Scale Model Su-27 Flanker**, a model aircraft that impresses not only with its size, but also with its maneuverability.

**Video Highlights:**
– **Flying day in Hausen am Albis, Switzerland:** A perfect place to demonstrate the model’s capabilities.
– **Specifications:** The model has a wingspan of 3.30 meters and weighs 24 kilos.
– **Design:** Made by **Glaser Christian** and beautifully painted.
– **Special features:** The video contains special photo and video sequences that show the aesthetics and dynamics of the model.

**Why watch this video?**
The Su-27 model from **bigcarf** is an outstanding example of **RC Scale turbine jets**. It combines size with aerodynamics, making it particularly agile. A must for fans of **Scale Models** and lovers of **Turbine Model Jets**.

**Call to Action:**
Would you like to immerse yourself in the world of scale model airplanes? **Subscribe** to RCHeliJet’s YouTube channel below the video [hier](https://mo-pilot.com/video/big-rc-jet-turbine-scale-model-su-27-flanker-very-maneuverable/) and stay updated with the latest videos.

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Always stay up to date with the latest articles and videos about **RC model airplanes**. [**Newsletter abonnieren**](https://mo-pilot.com/newsletter-mo-pilot-com/) and don’t miss anything!

**Watch the video for this BLOG here:**
