“Ultimate SIKU CONTROL set: Fendt 939 Vario in action for model building enthusiasts”
Technical highlights of the SIKU CONTROL (6860) set with Fendt 939 Vario and Joskin trailer
The video from **Chrissi RC**, released on January 17, 2025, presents the impressive **SIKU CONTROL (6860) 2.4GHz RTR Set**. This set contains the Fendt 939 Vario tractor, the Joskin trailer and various accessories. 🔗[Zum Video, hier klicken!](https://mo-pilot.com/video/siku-control-6860-24ghz-rtr-set-mit-fendt-939-vario-joskin-anhanger-zubehor/)
**What can viewers expect in the video?**
Chrissi RC presents the RTR set in detail. The set includes the powerful Fendt 939 Vario tractor, which impresses with its precise remote-controlled driving characteristics. In addition, there is the Joskin tipping trailer, which is characterized by **stable straight-line stability and flexible handling**. This also includes various accessories that underline the realistic replica.
**Product features at a glance:**
Chrissi RC particularly highlights the **precise control options** and **versatility of the SIKU CONTROL set**, making it a must for **model airplane and vehicle enthusiasts**.
**Why buy the set?**
The video explains in detail why this SIKU set is an excellent choice for every model building fan. Thanks to its robust construction and realistic replicas, it offers long-term driving fun and an authentic model building experience.
**Call to Action**
Interesting insights, technical details and practical tests make this video particularly exciting. Watch the video to learn more and discover the full range of possibilities. Would you like to be regularly informed about the latest videos and products? Then subscribe to our **newsletter** and become part of the model building community! [Newsletter abonnieren](https://mo-pilot.com/newsletter-mo-pilot-com/)
**Watch the video for this BLOG here**