
FALCON WINGS Season Opening 2017

Beschreibung zum Video:
MFC-St.Margarethen/Raab (Austria)

Model Data:
Republic P-47 Thunderbolt Razorback “Miss Behave”
Pilot: Franz Obenauf [FOB1449 on YouTube]
Massstab / Scale: 1/4
Spw / Wingspan: 3.1 m (122″)
Länge / Lenght: 2.9 m (114″)
Motor / Engine: Moki 5 cylinder 400 cc
Gewicht / Weight: 36 kg (80 pounds)
Propeller: 4 Blade Varioprop – Ramoser
Fahrwerk / Retracts: ROB pneumatic
Selfmade – pilot, builder and owner: Franz Obenauf (Austria)


Texan AT-6
Pilot: Adolf “Poldi” Leopold
Maßstab / Scale: 1:3.7
Spw / Wingspan: 3.4 m
Länge / Lenght: 2.4 m
Motor: Moki 250 5 Zylinder
Propeller: 2 Blade Varioprop – Ramoser
Fahrwerk / Gear: Wabo Pneumatisch
Bausatz / Kit: Petrausch ( )


F4U-A1 Corsair
Pilot: Siegfried Schuster (Austria)
Massstab / Scale: 1/4
Motor: Moki 250cc 5 cyl. radial
Spw. / Wingspan: 3.1m / 120″
Gewicht / Weight: 24.2 kg / 45 lbs
Kit: Willi Schachermayer “Fräser”


Corsair F4U
Pilot: Markus “Merlin” Schwarzl
Massstab / Scale: 1/4
Spw. / Wingspan: 3.1m / 120″
Motor: Moki 5 cyl. radial 300cc
Gewicht / Weight: +25 kg / +50 lbs
Kit: Willi Schachermayer “Fräser”


Corsair F4U
Pilot: Armin May
Massstab / Scale: 1/4
Spw. / Wingspan: 3.1m / 120″
Motor: Moki 5 cyl. radial 250cc
Gewicht / Weight: +25 kg / +50 lbs
Fahrwerk / Retracts: ROB pneumatic
Kit: Willi Schachermayer “Fräser”


Curtis P-40 WARHAWK
Pilot: Josef “Pepi” Spielhofer
Massstab / Scale: 1/4
Spw. / Wingspan: 2.85 m
Länge / Lenght: 2.54 m
Motor: 3W150 R2 (inline)
Gewicht / weight: 27.8 kg
Fahrwerk / Gear: WABO


Republic P-47 Thunderbolt Razorback
Pilot: Erich “Kike” Schwarz
Massstab / Scale: 1/5
Spw. / Wingspan: 2.5m
Motor: Moki radial 180cc
Propeller: 4 Blade Varioprop – Ramoser
Gewicht / Weight: 22.5 Kg
Bausatz / Kit: Kranz


Piper P-26
Pilot: Erwin Rainer

MUSIC (1):
Fanfare for Space by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

MUSIC (2):
Dangerous by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
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#FALCON #WINGS #Season #Opening
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  1. The AT-6 really impressed me with that beautiful scale propeller on top of many other fine details. I am the happy owner of a full scale AT-6D so I was delighted with the sight of this masterpiece. Maybe one day Moki will have a 9 cylinder radial to go with it.

  2. Wow. What a line up. Drone aspect is a great extra.
    Super footage Horst. The wind made things tricky for pilots on landing sometimes. That PA25 was very cool with its spray!

  3. Ja ja, never ever in Austria 🇦🇹 aufgenommen. American Airbase, sonst nix… hmm nur die merkwürdigen Stimmen und die Modulation… evtl. eine Enklave… auf jeden Fall erste Sahne.

  4. Thanks for the great video Hoarst! I wish these guys would come over to Florida for Top Gun in a couple weeks. It would make it a very easy drive up to Triple Tree! Either that or I wish I could get over and see your beautiful flying field. When are we going to see some more from the Galloping Ghost? Oh, +FOB1449, where was Precious Metal? That's one of my favorite models.

  5. This is just amazing just beautiful warbirds just a well done job to the pilots and everyone there wow thanks for sharing this just made my day*** Thanks Kevin

  6. Great video, one suggestion that viewers may enjoy is if you are able to give wind speed/direction to camera information? It might give some perspective on the flying? Thanks!

  7. admiro muito o trabalho de vcs.
    acho muito legal avioes da segunda guerra mundial,tenho vontade de fazer um f4u corsai,mais nai fasso a ideia de como construi um,vcs q tem a experiencia me da umas dicas.

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