
Giant Rc Bücker 60% – Onboard View

Beschreibung zum Video:
FPV of a Giant Rc Scale Airplane
Owner and Pilot: Wolfgang Rossegger
Bücker Jungmeister – Liesel Bach
Scratch built
Scale 60%
Spw. / Wingspan: 4.0 m
Länge / Lenght: 2.9 m
Gewicht / Weight: 63 Kg
Motor: Moki 400 cc

have fun
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#Giant #Bücker #Onboard #View
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  1. I've been waiting to see some nice German aircraft flying, so this beautiful Jungmeister was great to watch. Perfect day, great onboard camera, and smooth flying by Mister Rossegger. I never tire of watching your videos, Horst. Thanks!

  2. Einhardt vas so focused on ze precision of his flight, he never lifted a hand to hand to fan ze smoke from ze cockpit.
    You are such a man, Einhardt.
    Vy can't you be more like Einhardt, Fritz?

  3. Wow!  If I did not know better I would have thought I was watching the real deal. The camera position was great. The flying was realistic and there was not any over acrobatic flying. When I first saw your plane in a video with other planes yours stood out!  I slowed down the video to see the name of your plane so I could see more of your plane on other video sites to see the  size and what engine you were using. What a fun hobby we have!   

  4. That was sweet! I have a little time in the full scale. Did the exhaust come loose or something near the end. It was sounding weird.

  5. Sieht natürlich besser aus, aber ohne Pilotenpuppe ist das Modell auch perfekt. :V
    Ein klares 'WOW!'
    Was noch toll wäre, ist eine Kamera hinter dem Piloten, nach vorne, aber vielleicht auch eine nach hinten. Interessante Perspektive.
    Jedenfalls ein Schmuckstück. Glückwunsch. :V

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