
Giant RC Messerschmitt P.1111

Beschreibung zum Video:
Roland Maier fliegt seine große Eigenbau Konstruktion aus der Messerschmiede des MBC Assling

Maßstab / Scale : 1/3
Spw / Wingspan : 3.05 m
Länge / Lenght : 3 m
Gewicht / Weight : 24.7 kg
Turbine : Frank FT 220
Fahrwerk / Gear : Eigenbau / DIY

Planung / Planning: Moosi & R. Maier
Gebaut und lackiert von R. Maier
Built and painted by R. Maier

Additional information can be found here
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#Giant #Messerschmitt #P.1111
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  1. Great Job! Please tell me you built this plane yourself. If so any build thread? Ive never even seen drawings to this plane before..meaning I had no idea the Nazi's had this in mind.

  2. First I've seen of the P.1111, kudos to the builder and flyer. I can now see how far ahead Germany was when it came to aircraft design. The P.1110 and P.1111 were comparable to stuff that only came out 30-40 years later.

  3. Was that a design by Lippish ? He was a proponent of a tailless plane. And this also looks like a remarkable glider. Nice job bringing it to life ! Kudos to German engineering !

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