Joe Nall 2016 3D Action – Jase Dussia
Beschreibung zum Video:
“Jase The Ace” has a remarkable talent, to fly its model.
Such a perfect demonstration is not seen often. The roll rate of his plane is incredible. Not once it is out of control.
Model: Extreme Flight 94” MXS with DA-70
Music downloaded from the YouTube Audio Library
Artist: Jingle Punks
Title: The Simplest
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#Joe #Nall #Action #Jase #Dussia
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gut gefilmt, ich weiss es ist richtig schwere kameraarbeit…
I can't say that I've ever seen better than that. Wow!
unbelievable! now any words… thank you for nice video!
Lol… Thanks for posting!! 👍
Is that a Chris Hinson's kit?
good piloting. gas noise is annoying though.
Absolut super Show!
Where's my jaw? It fell off sometime during this video…
And I thought Joe Smith was good!
What a pilot!!! Just like a god and no more.
I have naturally slow fingers, I can't fly like that….
song at the biginning?
what kind of plane is that?
Beautiful flight , It´s a wonderful art ………..congratulation……….
Stick banging 101
This makes me not want to fly rc planes anymore lol
Best 3D skills I've ever seen !
that was amazing you are the best in the world .
Bravo pilot
IMO G. Altuz does the same maneuvers snappier, faster and lower to the ground.
bad dude