
Maiden Flight Of The Best 1/4 Scale Focke Wulf FW-190 A5 On Planet

Beschreibung zum Video:
MAIDEN FLIGHT of Arthur’s masterpiece. A completely homemade FW-190 A5
Model Data:
Maßstab / Scale: 1/4
Spw. / Wingspan: 2.63 m (103.3″)
Gewicht / Weight: 24 kg (51 pounds)
Motor: Moki 250 5 cylinder radial
Propeller: 32″ mit variabler Steigung (Eigenbau aus Kohlefaser nach Originalplänen)
Propeller: 32″ with variable pitch (own construction of carbon fiber according to original plans)
Servos: Futaba
Transmitter: Graupner MC24 & WEATRONIC
Bauzeit: 3 Jahre
Time to build: 3 years

Extras: Kabinenhaube pneumatisch
Hydraulische Einzelradbremsen, zum Lenken am Boden (jedes Rad einzeln, oder beide zusammen).
Elektrisch betätigtes Fahrwerk wie beim Original.
Das Spornrad wird nicht angelenkt. Es wird, wie sein großes Vorbild, bei gezogenem Höhenruder auf Geradeauslauf arretiert. Beim Einfahren des Hauptfahrwerkes, wird es über ein Seil auch eingefahren.

Extras: Canopy pneumatically
Hydraulic single wheel brakes, for steering on the ground (each wheel individually, or both together).
Electrically operated main gear as in the original.
The tail wheel is not steerable. When the elevator is pulled, it is arrested for straight-line travel, as is its great model. During retraction of the main landing gear, it will also retracted via a cable.

Music for intro:
Fanfare for Space by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

Music for outro:
Music downloaded from the YouTube Audio Library

Artist: Wagner
Title: Ride of the Valkyries
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  1. Usually I just sit and enjoy to watch vids of airborne scale planes but this one makes me write my very first comment on your channel. Never saw a WW II scale fighter built with such accuracy , hats off to Sir Arthur! Absolute Spitzenleistung!

  2. The FW 190 is one of my favorite warbirds of this era along with the ME 109 and of course not to top my all time favorites of the F4U Corsair and P51 Mustang

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