
Rc FanJet 600 – 1/4 Scale JWM 2015

Beschreibung zum Video:
Jet World Masters 2015 Team Luxembourg
Model: FanJet 600
Pilot: Lucien Gerard
Maßstab / scale: 1/4
Spw / wingspan: 2.42 m
Länge / lenght: 2.37 m
Engine: Wren 44 Turboprop with modified transmission (7.5 PS)
Gewicht / weight: 13.45 Kg dry / 16 kg wet
Bausatz / kit: Eigenbau / scratch build
Fahrwerk / Gears: Eigenbau / scratch build

Bemerkung: Bauzeit 3 Jahre
Remarks: Time to build 3 years

Bericht in der JET Power 1/2016
A report thereof can be found at the JET Power Magazine 01/2016

Danke an FanJet Aviation ( dass wir das Original Flugzeug fotografisch dokumentieren durften und auch für die Originalzeichnungen, um dieses Modell vorbildgetreu nachzubauen.

Thanks to FanJet Aviation ( that we were able to document the original aircraft photographically and also for the original drawings to replicate this model faithful to the prototype.

Videography by Markus Nussbaumer

Thanks Markus !!!
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  1. Hi Horst , suppi gelungen wie immer ! Ein geiles und originales Modell von unseren luxemburgischen Freunde ! Man sieht dass Lucien Gerard und Freunde Jeanneot und Jos sich viel muehe gegeben haben…

  2. That plane has quite an unusual soundstrack to it huh? It looks great though 😀
    Do you know if the builder allso designed it?
    Great capture of it's flight as allways sir! Thanks for sharing 🙂
    Cheers & have a good Sunday

  3. WOW!!!! What a beautiful job on the construction / Build!!! 👍🏼 That is definitely a different style of aircraft for sure. Great job on the video my dear friend! 2👍🏼👍🏼😉

  4. Have to say, the evolution of ducted fan propulsion has come a very long way. This plane flies great, even though the sound is always a bit odd! Fantastic attention to detail – superb build.
    Be interesting to see actual flying of the full scale.

  5. Amazing design, excellent performance, that is a really nice model, I love TurboProp the sound is a little bit annoying, because is high frequency but is fine, thanks for share, always is a pleasure watch your videos.

  6. Wow, what a fantastic and unique build, plane and flight! With out the description and the build portion of the video I couldn't really figure what was going on lol! Excellent camerawork, editing and final video production as always Horst, very impressive! BIG thumbs up! Danke for sharing it with us! Cheers my friend!

  7. Impressive build of a beautiful airplane, can't believe there are 2 dislikes, they don't see quality like the rest of us 😉

  8. Horst, what an incredible model, and a very interesting prototype to choose as well. Top marks as usual for another wonderful video. Cheers, Dougal

  9. Sehr seltenes Flugmodell, ich habe zumindest noch keins in der Richtung gesehen. Das Original fliegt ja glaube ich zur Zeit nicht. Sehr schönes Video Horst, danke sehr 🙂

  10. Hi~~~~Is this turbine fan propelling design has much higher efficiency than a single turbine engine? I am thinking use this design on a 1:1 scale home-built aircraft.

  11. Does anyone know where I can contact the builder of this model? I would like to ask a question about the steering system.

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