Stealth-Hangar Night-Fly
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Nachtflug Show MFC Bad Wörishofen 2015
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#StealthHangar #NightFly
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thats pretty cool…
A very nice job my friend. Two thumbs up!
Wow! That was beautiful! Flying in the dark is difficult and trying to FILM in the dark is next to impossible! You nailed it Horst!!
Bonjour Horst,
Super Video !
In der Nacht Filmen muss schwierig sein, aber hast du sehr gut erfolgreich.
Nach 5'36" der Schütze ist sehr schlecht, konnte das Flugzeug nicht erreichen ;+)
Freundlichen Grüsse, Christian.
Woah, amazing video Horst. How the heck to those guys fly at night like that?
Very nice, but also very difficult to fly at night. Not just that you have to light up your plane properly so you know right/left and also top/bottom, but what is most difficult you have no idea what altitude you flying at / how high you flying. It's like flying a real plane in a thick fog without instruments – flying blind, otherwise great video, very nice show, but I wouldn't do it with my plane 😀 😀
It is just fantastic!❤️ Both filming and flying is absolutly perfect!😍
It just cant get any better!!! I think tis is one of the most awesome video's on youtube! Thank you very much, sir!
Keep up this awesome work! Regards from Belgium!
Phantastisch was die Jungs bei Finsternis abziehen, was andere nicht einmal bei Tageslicht schaffen. Gratulation.Gratulation auch dem Horst, bist einfach der Beste!!Lg Franz
Very good filming and extremely good flying i wish i was even just half as good as this guy even with light i suck 🙁
But impressive show realy 😀
what is the name at 0:38 ! it's in western but dont remember wich
grossartig !!!
Hallo Horst, dieses Video sollte in den Programmen aller Vertreiber von Schulungs-Flug-Bau-Gestaltungs- und Videosoftware aufgenommen werden. Also besser geht es nicht. Solche Nachtaufnahmen von beweglichen Objektgen habe ich noch nicht gesehen. Ein Freund von mir hat auch verschiedene Silvesterfeuerwerke gefilmt und fotografiert. Das fand ich schon Spitze, Aber Du übertriffst sie alle. Ein frohes Osterfest wünscht Dir der PETER von der Insel Usedom
great work i look forward to your videos
Love those sparklers that was epic.
Really cool! Anyone call in UFO sightings? 🙂
Amazing show!
An amazing show, Horst, and equally impressive work with your camera; thank you for sharing this superb video with us, my friend! Cheers, Dougal
Love it! Something very unique! Hope to drop by the field when I'm visiting.
ausgezeichnet !!!!
loving the nightwish!