
Faszination Modellbau Friedrichshafen 2014

Beschreibung zum Video:
Modelling Exhibition Friedrichshafen 2014
Ein paar Eindrücke von der Faszination Modellbau aus 2014

Free download at YouTube Audio Library

Artist: Silent Partner
Title: Don’t Look

Artist: Jingle Punks
Title: The Simplest

Artist: Jingle Punks
Title: The Driving Force

Artist: Jingle Punks
Title: Extinction Level Event
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#Faszination #Modellbau #Friedrichshafen
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  1. War dort dieses jahr zum 4. Mal. Ich fands schade dass es dieses Jahr nicht so viel War wie in den vergangenen Jahren. Trotzdem nochmal danke für das Video, da es schön ist, alles nochmal vor den Augen Revue passieren zu lassen.

  2. Wow, all I can say is… yes please, I'll take them all!  I don't know where to start really but here goes!  Love the F16 and that Bf 109 awesome, cool scale models, awesome rc panzers, love the locomotives and the kids eyes watching them, the drifters and superbikes were cool and the heavy equipment was sweet!  Excellent job videoing and putting it all together Horst!  Danke for sharing, very enjoyable, BIG thumbs up!  Best regards my friend!  

  3. Only one thing to say… merry christmas i have been a very very nice boy.. you captured it all. i wish only you made an hour video of this show.. but i can allways rape the repeat button.

  4. Bonjour Horst,
    Grossartige Video, eine schöne Mischung aus allem was ich liebe.
    Meine herzliche Glückwünsche für die Videobearbeitung, (stelle mir die Arbeit und Zeit investiert). DAUMEN NACH OBEN
    Grüsse, Christian.

  5. Fantastic coverage of an awesome looking show. You did a great job on the intro Horst (and the rest of the video too of course lol). A big thumbs up from Canada!
    Gruss, Bob

  6. WOW!!! What a great job you did on putting all this video together my dear friend! If I was to go to a show like that they would have to run me out the door. Lol. I would never want to leave. Hahaha. At first I thought the blimp was RC there at the end. Lol. And I'll say it again…the galloping ghost sound just as real as the Real one did. Thanks again Horst! Cheers!

  7. Totally awesome selection of ultra high quality models, engines etc. A feast for the eyes.  Bonus at the end with what seemed Kolm engine sounds! Excellently video'd I must say – thanks for sharing that.

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