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Vitaly Robertus Spezial Video zur seiner YAK-130. Als Vorgeschmack auf das hohe Niveau der 10. JetPower, die führende Jet-Messe der Welt, zu bekommen, können Sie das exklusive Video über den amtierenden Weltmeister Vitaly Robertus mit Interview, Konstruktion und Bau der YAK-130 sowie Vorbereitung und Wertungsflüge ansehen.
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foreign okay sorry but I can’t speak in German but maybe maybe next year or maybe in the next jet world master it’s better because I am going to learning German yeah perfect perfect if you see us in Switzerland okay yeah tell us something about your Yak 130. what’s the story about that yeah hello all it’s my name is robertus I am from Russia Moscow um I am an hour model in 34 years and 15 years uh well I’m flying on radio control models and uh 10 maybe exactly nine years it’s on this is a jet jet models I was 12 first uh pilot in Russia who flew on the jet models oh yeah it’s I’m very proud of it but it’s it was jet cat pp80 yeah model was this hot spot from grub nights I was very happy because it’s it’s really it was really amazing because it’s jet model you need to only switch on engine and fly not not so no need so many people like before four people with air with gas with extinguisher and so on that’s yeah it’s a jacket was really really good and I’m happy to be a Jet Pilot yeah but it’s my sixth jet world master it’s the first time it was 10 exactly 10 years ago in 2001 it was in Thailand I was not pilot for that competition only to see I’ve just bought a jacket oh okay yeah jet cat phe and especially went to student to see how it works to speak with guys to see design construction it’s it’s very symbolically it’s 10 years and the this jet world master in the United States of America and I am flew on the my new projects Yak one utility that’s maybe maybe some words about this project it’s the idea or this project it was in 2005 the idea of this project that’s just after Calgary competition and it was not so good I crashed my model and I said the second round it was l39 with dragon it’s a very nice yeah a nice color scheme but it’s this Dragon was was unlucky and yeah but it’s okay after this competition I started collect documentation and some photos and so on so on so on that’s um the idea was to build a new MiG-29 or maybe Yak it’s two engine planes the idea was that do not for competition to have two engine models because before I thought that the best model for competition of course it’s like hot or like l39 one engine straight Wing it’s uh simple plane it’s and the idea was uh to increase reliability of the model because it’s a scale model it’s a lot of work to do and a lot of time money and so on that that’s why you must think how to make model reliable and that this idea it’s from big planes why we are using two engine on three engine or four engines on the planes especially for reliability and uh the idea was like this it’s a very important to have a model if you if you want to win you need plane not from kit because it’s special bonuses for these according rules for strange build models you can get more points if not all right we got a little flying demonstration going on um if you have stretch build models you can get traditional 50 points if model new no participants in previous Master you can get and all 50 points that’s why it’s it’s very important for competitions to have new new models that’s why I decided to build new new models it’s it’s very very interesting plane it’s a New Year’s plane for Russian Air Force especially this is Advanced trainer and light attack aircraft it’s possible to use it in both flarings and it’s really interesting because a lot of ideas in IR Dynamics and the fully electronic control system of this plane you can take memory stick put on the model and download its program for super 27 or MiG-29 or F-18 and play a playing fully reprogramming and you can train Pilots for example for example for recovery after a long staying and on the ground for a calorie for training for ground training for training and so on it’s it’s very good idea because it’s a This Plane can fly with a high angle of attack it’s about can be it’s about 40 degrees it’s very stable and very good and we are speaking about prototype I can say that a lot of disadvantages I have now on the model yeah it’s really a good flight yeah But last two and a half years this model was was built and a lot of work to do yeah I’ve made about 140 molds uh this model made its uh with technology of Sandwich technology it’s like 3A models it’s very strong yeah and Light it’s the weight is very very important for this model because you need to be in 20 kilos it’s a limitation for according rules that’s why it’s very important it was very important to make model as light as possible but strong because it’s two engines a model has scaled one two four it’s very big model but it’s if you want the idea to make it as light as possible because of course you need a to add some scale details here if you know no weight space especially for this on the model it’s not possible to get good points for detailing or zone for additional points that’s why it’s the idea was to have it’s a very good scale it’s okay but and to have enough weight for scaling that’s why it’s it was very very uh important important to to build every detail very light I used carbon Kevlar all modern materials from company RNG is a well-known company in Germany and I used all modern materials not only for for building fuselage or winds for example it’s landing gears made it from from carbon it’s a special technology that fibers it’s using cross cross fiber yeah Special carbon it’s made it in tube in Cubes but with high pressure okay and no it’s very very strong and light it’s lighter maybe 40 percent lighter in comparison with metal and gears yet I will translate it yeah um eventually [Music] it is 150 140 moles as well noon Italy are there some specials for the model but you can told us yeah it’s um uh model is very interesting because it’s a lot of details I tried to make as lot as possible so many details laying in Gears and so on but I can say that it’s a lot of special features for example it’s uh if we’re speaking about a canopy inside it’s I use multi-punch on this place like on a rail plane it’s Maps or navigation system or system information about turbines working it’s working it’s like unreal playing it’s so I saw it it’s a lot of full screens like this on the jet power message and to use it on on my scale model and on the model I made special steps for pilot and pilot it’s fools full copy of the test pilot real test pilot of this plane romantic Skype It’s Made It by by for this scanning of his cat we spoke about this he said no no no no no but after set it so it’s okay we scanned his head and make his head and now he’s sitting on the model yeah it’s um it’s working landing gears and walking by air no not hydraulic it’s it’s very good by air but it’s on the model it’s I used made it from molds tires it’s like on rail plane tubeless tires but it’s ported inside special construction but it’s look like a absolutely about Landing lights and navigational lights it’s about four pack 15. 15 points of Lights uh air brake is working wheel brakes and two engines and rotating bacon it’s on the top up and down it’s a and a lot of schools dropping tanks but it’s not enough weight and maybe for next time because especially for realism when you’re offline before figures drop in fuel tanks and made Figures it’s like real plane but a little bit smaller okay thank you it’s incredible what you have done yeah thank you so much you make the decoded mesla in Germany and you make it a little bit higher for the others to make things like that I can say that my special special thanks for German guys for German models because it’s a lot of things we are speaking about Superman’s Electronics about powerbox jackets about jetronics it’s oh all what I made it’s uh many of them it’s from from Germany and that’s why I learned from German guys it’s I saw how the flying it’s very big players these models and I want to say special special thanks especially for German models because it’s they are my teachers yeah but you are the person who mixed it together with your brain with your intention you get your purpose for that 130 and you build it incredible so thank you thank you so much yes and to our audience bitterly and we say jet modeling is top top thank you so much yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] foreign [Music] what’s wrong foreign [Music] and that’s why it must be like mirror yes yes yeah so on the model we use two stages uh cylinder like unreal this is for first touchdown and for heavy Landings it’s two to separate one cylinder inside good luck thank you very nice thank you okay and you fix it up here on it [Music] foreign it doesn’t work two stages yeah yes additional it’s inside inside yeah it’s okay okay good luck tomorrow thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign foreign [Applause] all right foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Virginia hours all right [Music] foreign everybody who is not a pilot please leave the tent thank you especially [Music] all right [Music] okay [Music] oh wow [Music] hi there okay [Music] [Music] [Music] the rest we will be here tomorrow afternoon [Applause] my friend Wayne Matthews Mr competitor up is from Russia it’s by Tilly [Music] actually um [Music] foreign [Music] thank you his name is [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign okay guys [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] good morning [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] remember foreign [Applause] [Music]
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