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Testing what might be the worlds smallest fully 3D helicopter that is still fully functional and actually fun to fly?!

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#OMP #M1 #PickeringRC

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omp hobby recently sent me their brand new 49 inch big horn more about that though in the next video to my surprise though they also sent me their brand new m1 3d helicopter to play with and it comes in three rather cool colour schemes now some of you may remember from way back when that i did used to fly 3d helis for a while picking up a lot of the tricks but in the end i didn’t really have time to keep everything going and decided to stick with what i was good at i haven’t flown a heli for years so this video is going to be about figuring out just how this works how easy it is to actually set up and get working and then of course we’ll see what if any heli reflexes i have left inside the box we had the fully assembled m1 helicopter a 2s 300 milliamp lipo its special charging and balancing cable a couple of tools and a very quick manual well after going through the manual i realized that it details how to alter the gyro gain and servo throws but not much else so after a while of surfing the net i figured out all the bits that i wanted to know and the answers to the questions that i had so to save you some time here you go there are two versions of the m1 this one comes with an integrated futaba compatible receiver or the other version has an omp own brand receiver you can plug in external satellites for spectrum or even futaba s bus receivers onto both versions so i could connect a power box receiver and set it to output s bus but i didn’t particularly fancy trying to fit the receiver under the canopy and then i decided just to use the integrated futaba receiver instead next up binding not mentioned anywhere in the manual but in my case it was actually nice and easy just press and hold down the bind button and the helicopter will figure everything out on its own i would always recommend removing all of the blades before binding or performing any setup after all you don’t want to press the wrong button or reverse the wrong channel and have this thing spool up hit you or fly away using a futaba radio my channel order was standard set up with an h1 style swash and no need to reverse the motor channel we will set up our motor and pitch curves to our own liking as usual and in my case a classic linear for basic hovering and then flat motor curves for both idles channel 6 controls the pitch and channel 5 controls what they seem to call stability mode which you could also consider a kind of rescue mode when deactivated you have full control over the 3d heli however when activated the helicopter won’t allow you to go inverted or even past 45 degrees for that matter and if you activate it when things start going wrong say if you inverted it will actually flip you back upright so i’ll be keeping that particular switch very handy as i’m gonna be very rusty at this when the red led is flashing it’s in rescue mode and when it’s a solid red you’re in full 3d mode a fun trick that heli pro kyle dahl recommends for this size heli is also to make sure that the blades are at the right tension if they’re too tight the blades will not self-center upon spool up and will cause vibration and something similar happens if they’re too loose as well the sweet spot is a penny to have the blades stay in place when holding the heli sideways on but free enough that they can drop just with a little bump anyway that’s all the basics sorted let’s go and try this thing out and where better to test and show off the new m1 helicopter than at a local helicopter event just remember i haven’t flown one of these things for two three four years see how it goes [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh know [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] so [Music] my so [Music] so [Music] [Music] still got it or at least the omp hobby m1 has it it’s agile it’s precise and it’s very capable if you want to just hover around the garden you can definitely do that drop down the head speed put it in stability mode if you want to and it becomes pretty much uncrashable but take off that stability mode increase that head speed i was running as you saw about 55 and 65 percent in idols and that has more than enough power than anyone should need it’s very agile can do all the tricks in the book and on those rates i was running about three minutes flight time and then that was still giving me a 30 residue in the battery so long life to the battery as well all in all a really fun helicopter and oh yeah if you’re 3ding it you can still flip that rescue mode and no matter what you’re doing it will flip you upright and give you a second to regain composure before either continuing or landing whichever is appropriate at the time so definitely a fun little heli anyway that’s it for this video i hope you enjoyed it if you did leave us a like subscribe to the channel if you aren’t already and i’ll see you all in the next one
Für den Inhalt des Videos ist der VideoCreator: Martin Pickering verantwortlich.
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  1. Ha.. you show off… 😛 haven't flown one for 2-3 years ..pppftt either it Raquel flying it or you're secret bin training haha Nice flying and video.

  2. Great video Martin, I have been wandering if you could get a Powerbox receiver in there, do you think you will be trying in the future? Was that the Elche site?

  3. That bighorn flies great! I flew one on 4S. I also flew the 60” OMP edge and if you get your hands on that you’ll love it. With the sunny sky motor it is like a rocket after being in a hover. It crankshafts like crazy too! -Brian C

  4. Blade used to make the only half decent small/micro size helis on the market. OMP helis are leaps and bounds ahead of them.

  5. If that's what you are like "Rusty". Then I'll leave the heli's alone. I will be lucky not to go home with the proverbial "Waitrose carrier bag" Full of bits 🤣🤣🤣 Nice flying Martin 😊

  6. I have the m2 and I still don't get the rescue mode??? I thought you just flip the switch out of idle up to normal mode and the heli does it …no special switch…

  7. Picked one up myself after 7yrs of no heli flying , fantastic. P.S – I don’t think that was you flying it the second flight 😉 lol.

  8. Nice, quality & where we should have all been 5 yrs ago ( direct drive) but the title of smallest 3D goes to the k-100 Fancon & k 110 Blast, which they are & both from XK.

  9. Ahhh,, But can it autorotate? Is there a one way bearing? Nevermind, it's too small for that anyways. LOL I still have my Align 150 DFC. How does it compare to that? I hate that double circuit board that fails so easily in a crash. This is very pricey like the 150DFC was too, but I like the direct drive so you don't need to worry about the main gear. And the rotational servos are great over the Horizon Hobby helis for sure. Man I have worn those out so much in my Brushless micros!!!!!

  10. This is far from the "smallest 3D" heli on the market. Blade Nano CP has been out for many years and is 2/3 the size. Granted, the M1 may be a better performer, but don't claim it's the smallest.

  11. The cpx blade used to make was a lot smaller and we'll suited for acro in a small room.. ,,I can fly the m1 indoors but not in a small room and still do 3d.. maybe one day my skills with it will be better but ,,it's kinda over powerd for me in the house

  12. You may not have flown in 3 or 4 years but I guarantee you flew & practiced before you made this video because there's no way you would just lift off and start doing 3-D after not flying in 4 years! Haha 😀

  13. Blade Nano S2/S3 is smaller and a proper 6Ch heli, which you can fly 3d. The M1 is cool thou and has metal parts in the spinney thing on top, the Blade Nano is all plastic, unless you upgrade to metal parts.

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