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Flight testing and overall impressions of the latest aero model from Durafly, the Carbon Arcus.
#Durafly #CarbonArcus #PickeringRC
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Vollständiger Text aus dem Video: TESTING A FOAM F3A BIPLANE?! Carbon Arcus
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this is the carbon Arcus from durly and I can honestly say that this is my first ever f3a airplane now it’s made entirely out of foam so we’re not too sure where the whole carbon comes in from carbon Arcus other than one carbon Stringer on each Wing to give it some rigidity but that aside the assembly went really well we did that live on the channel a few days ago and now we’re here at the field it’s finally time to get her up in the air it comes completely ready to fly with all the servos pre-installed as well as the motor the speed controller and it took us about an hour to assemble it during the live video the wings are finished with vinyl stickers whereas the fuselage comes painted the vinyl stickers look a whole lot better than the paint but all in all for the price I don’t think we can complain the fuselage is a typical f3a Style no canopy but that’s so that it’s pretty much symmetrical top and bottom so I’m hoping it should knife edge absolutely brilliantly it’s got some rather interesting features like the air outtakes so the air comes in through the cowling goes over the battery over the speed controller and comes out the side of the fuselage or the rudder is very typical f3a where it gets fatter at the back so again with very little Rudder it should knife edge amazingly that should actually I’m hoping allow for knif Edge Loops we’ll soon find out but that’s enough yba yabber it’s time to test it [Music] [Music] you I [Music] [Applause] [Applause] she [Music] a [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] any [Applause] w so after a couple of quick setup flights we’ve got her flying nicely and she does actually fly really nice for once I’m quite surprised at how well the servos are behaving they actually do keep the plane on track they do seem to Center quite well and the trim doesn’t change throughout the flight which for me is probably a first for these kind of models obviously the servos are not under the same kind of stress that they would be under a 3D airplane so just bear that in mind they are a little bit slower and obviously quicker would be better especially for an f3a style flight however all in all it’s one of the few planes that I probably wouldn’t say that the servos need changing out from what did surprise me for the style of plane that it is the f3a with the very symmetrical top and bottom fuselage was just how much knife edge mixing was needed for straight knife edge we ended up making a mix from Rudder to aerons which may not look too much on camera however we have about 10% Rudder to Alo on with left Rudder and 5% with right Rudder which okay once we’ve got the mix in there isn’t an issue but it was a little bit surprising for the style of plane I was kind of expecting it to knife Ed straight off the bat but once that’s done as you’ve seen in the video it does knife edge really well it can even do that full knife edge Loop something that did surprise me again again we are using bigger batteries than they recommend they recommend a 2,200 millia 4S battery pack I’m using the Opti power 3,300 milliamp 4S battery pack so I am about 50% over in capacity however I’m getting a 5 to 6 minute flight landing and it’s still at 55% capacity so very efficient setup and I would say that on this particular battery you could probably get to about 8 n minutes of regular Flying Without too much of an issue on the standard provided pack obviously it would be closer to those 5 six minutes that I’ve been flying however despite the bigger battery and therefore the added weight there is room in here here to move it back a little bit and just by separating it from the nose by about an inch was enough to have it fit for perfect CG and fly as you’ve just seen now let’s go and try it with a 3s and see how she performs [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there you go on 3s admittedly it’s an old 2,200 milliamp 3s pack which doesn’t have all the same punch as new packs do however it still flew surprisingly well despite being on 3s as opposed to the supposed four that it’s designed for it can still do all the Maneuvers and it can still do a full flight if you want to go out and out and practice pattern Maneuvers or sequences then 3s isn’t the way to go you’re going to be lacking power on those NeverEnding uplines however for a Sunday flyer who wants to use the most of their 3s packs rather than buying new larger than normal 4S packs that will still fly all week long so what’s the final verdict on the carbon Arcus from durafly well I would say that it is actually a really fun Nifty little plane and you can’t go wrong for the price at the time of filming this was on sale for about €190 ready to fly minus battery and receiver I mean the servos as we mentioned aren’t top speec however for this style of plane and this style of flying they work the propulsion system is also more than adequate and the batteries were coming down cold so it’s not pulling crazy amps as we can see by the flight times as well a few little things I mean we could say that we’re not sure where the carbon from carbon Arcus comes in yes it’s got a few small rods inside the wing and the Aeron one down here on the elevator but that’s just being nitpicky the uh little tab to get access to the battery compartment I think we can do something a little bit better than sticky tape but we really are just trying to find something negative to say and there isn’t really all too much to it it’s a fun little plane if you are a hardcore f3a guy you would probably be left a little wanting however for anyone who just wants a nice tracking airplane and a fun plane that fits in the car to go down to the field I think it’s a good choice so I hope You’ enjoyed this video if you did make sure to leave us a like subscribe if you aren’t already and we’ll see you all in the next one
Für den Inhalt des Videos ist der VideoCreator: Martin Pickering verantwortlich.
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Biplano elétrico ???
Donde se compra en España?
Soy suscriptor y nunca responde a mis preguntas
Beautiful bird. I like watching you fly planes that are not turbine quite a bit. Your piloting skills stand out more when it's just another plane.
Wooww😮😮 nice dude, beautiful flight
Nice, but is an optical illusion or does she not perfctly roll coaxially?
Great Review Martin. Saludos.
Martin, deja de subir vídeos con aviones de ésta gama, que los encarecen, y nuestros bolsillos se resienten, fuera de coña, está muy bien ese juguete!
Martin, try the model on a 2200 4s, no mix required for knife edge, moving the 2200 to the battery bay can effect flight so find the sweet spot for the battery
Nice flight Martin. I have one. Were did you set the CG? Please spray some oil on those axles….
got my one with a free lipo £209.27 waiting for better weather hope to do my B test with it from u/k England
Thank you Martin. I've been waiting for this flight video. I ended up getting the 4S 2200s. Glad I did. I haven't flown it yet, but I could barely get my 3200s in the compartment and then, no room for the receiver.
I agree, for the money, it seems like pretty solid value. Thanks again for the review!
Every Durafly I've owned has a Aerotech motor & they are solid brushless motors. I've thrashed a old Tundra motor in mulitplex extra 330sc for 2 years now swinging a 14×7 on 3s.
You reviewed a plane thats discontinued lol lol