
BUILD + Jeti RADIO SETTINGS • E-flite Beechcraft D18 1.5m PNP RC PLANE • (English/Français 4K 60fps)

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Vollständiger Text aus dem Video: BUILD + Jeti RADIO SETTINGS • E-flite Beechcraft D18 1.5m PNP RC PLANE • (English/Français 4K 60fps)
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foreign [Music] so guys today we will uh assemble the e-flight d18 1.5 meters so first we will assemble the main wing so I put the plane upside down and we will just put this big b swing just like that so you have to be careful with the with the servo or quick connections yeah I think that’s good yeah it should be good I will try to look yeah it’s in okay so now we just have to screw or sit down foreign so we will use the four bigger screws yeah great then we can put when turned turn it on the right way tip so you put the wings bar of course power okay are we okay all right okay the first this line is a CG this is a rear the most aft part of the of the CG and it’s a 7 17 millimeters in front of this line 17 millimeters in front of this line you see right there 17 millimeters in front of that line and that’s the book CG this is the most uh aft range gravity is uh elevator they didn’t even okay next we will assemble the elevator y foreign I will do this uh this tool this is a circle plier like that I can open the Clevis and then insert the control horn in it so you put on the outer all made of two weeks actually don’t not that hard but see complicated [Music] it’s not hard at all and then we will just be careful with the the that thing should be in this whole so I will move Servo arm almost neutral all right that’s good we will see if it’s and are not as good that’s in we will test it right now Servo tester so I think it’s this one [Music] yeah it works [Music] yeah that’s because it’s not perfectly [Music] foreign maybe I’m not maybe I’m not perfectly inside foreign yes now I think yes perfect I’m in nice neutral that’s good um we’ll take the two uh two little screw self tapping screw nice nice nice we’ll try again to be sure I didn’t do anything wrong [Music] perfect it moves yeah we will set the trim after and for the elevator let’s check it out oh yeah this is good works perfect that’s a neutral of the servo and let’s see the the fuselage ah it looks just perfect looks good yeah we would see that later [Music] all right foreign [Applause] not receptor to refills on the air all the wires are here I put I’ve lost some cables under the it’s stuck I will have to unscrew foreign that’s good all right so that’s good now I can screw it back so we can plug it so let’s see I’ll fix this yourself [Music] so the throttle then the arons which wire is what that’s the other one I’m lucky oh clap on that this little one don’t do it let’s see this one all right the flaps the flaps in the three foreign gear so the gear is the last one coming from the wing the rudder so the rudder is this one foreign ER and the elevator in six so that’s it all right and so yeah the the placement for the receiver is right there nice have to be careful with that foreign foreign no throttle [Music] [Music] I have to reverse the flaps [Music] all right the gear perfect reverse the other ones good and the rest is perfect nice okay that’s good I will have a look at the curve body flaps to be sure all right good and so the first Notch of flaps is a I will set that 20 millimeters sorry so that’s how I set my my Flaps in my radio in curve functions [Music] slider me volume is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] this is a delay four seconds I can put a bit more five seconds let’s go yeah great and so let’s check the let’s check the neutral position of the elevator so this is set to uh yeah it should be like that is [Music] all right so let’s see yeah I need a bit of down I need a bit of down so as it’s not a lot I will do it with a sub trim Supreme negative that’s perfect like that I don’t need to to unscrew a to unscrew everything so as I told you I always do three rates Milo Zillow from the book and the high from the book so we will do the low from the book errands it’s 12 millimeters all right so foreign so I think it will be around 40 percent for the low from the book yeah that’s 12 millimeters induce Minimate perfect so yeah for me that’s 40 percent foreign foreign 60 for the the high and so I will set 10 millimeters 10 millimeters for my low so I think it will be around 30 percent yeah that’s it so that’s good for the errands so 7.0 . they make a difference between the the up and down elevator but I I will ignore it and will take the highest value so 13 and 18. and I will take 10 for Milo 10 millimeters 10 13 and 18. so let’s check 10. perfect yeah so that’s 25 percent 13. Translate 13 millimeters is 35 and 18 millimeters maybe 50 percent so we have the high the mid and the low same for the irons hello made and high great for the rudder the rather we get I think I will put 10 10 millimeters for Milo 15 and 20 for the high on government even all right good 40 percent it’s too much good fifty percent and the high 20 65. all right good so that’s it and now I will do a mixing flaps two down elevator so free mixing no switch and so I would set seven percent just to see [Music] yeah so that’s minus let’s set minus ten percent foreign let’s see how much oil ask yourself [Music] three millimeters down maybe that’s a bit too much well I will set to uh seven percent yeah two millimeters two millimeters of down elevator that’s good suitable foreign foreign and you can see that everything is flush and perfectly centered you see the irons everything is perfectly centered except the Rudders but that’s okay cool pretty cool so we will do the CG foreign with a plane inverted and the gear up the gear in because the wheel goes to the back of the plane [Music] foreign so we’ll go to Siri you see it’s not a small plane today you see it you see oh perfect just perfect Sage first try Excel battery policies you get the position of the of my lipo for the most effed part of the book CG yeah so my lipo is over waiting 372 grams um we will have to wait for the weather or good weather to fly this beautiful Beast it was very very nicely screwed perfect so thank you so much guys for watching it’s a bit long I know but that’s a complete assembly and setting so you can see how I do all my planes thank you so much for watching guys not hesitate to put a little thumbs up as usual and don’t forget to subscribe see you soon guys take care bye foreign [Music] [Music]
Für den Inhalt des Videos ist der VideoCreator: Arthur RC verantwortlich.
#BUILD #Jeti #RADIO #SETTINGS #Eflite #Beechcraft #D18 #1.5m #PNP #PLANE #EnglishFrançais #60fps
arthur rc, source


  1. Merci pour cette nouvelle video, belle qualité video. eflite une bonne marque. Concernant le bruit des servos digitaux , c’est casse pieds n’est ce pas ( je l’ai découvert mon dernier modele cet été)
    Bien la clarté de l'écran Jeti pour les réglages (je suis sur la TX16s). Bon, on attend ton maiden et impressions avec plaisir. Bonnes fêtes à tous – A bientôt

  2. In trimming my Beech; I noticed the left/port motor had about 1-2 degrees more down-thrust than the right/starboard motor. Adding 5/64"/ 1.5 mm nylon washers to the bottom two screws of the motor mount brought the down-thrust of both motors into line. Before this mod, the Beech had a tendency to drop the left wing. Lovely airplane!

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